– Happy Canada Day, everyone! |
– I is also wishing you a Happy Canada Day, everyone!
Please overlook upside-down flag. Is not subversive action; I just
not quite have the hang of 'dis yet. |
Before the flags came out, I took a few pics of the boys in their Canada Day T-shirts. Nate looked a little bored:
– Mommy say there be big party, but I don't see big party. |
Seth, on the other hand appeared prepared to make his own fun, judging from the mischievous look on his face:
– I brings my own party everyone! |
– I sure hope someone remembered to invite some cuties. |
– I sit here and strike pose just in case. |
I, on the other hand, was hoping to get a shot of the three of us so I handed the camera over to M. Unfortunately this is about as good as it got:
So I called it quits on the group shot and went with individual ones instead. Judging from the look on Nate's face, he's not exactly into it here:
But he did get into it eventually:
Seth, on the other hand, was still keeping an eye out for the cuties:
Sorry buddy, I hate to disappoint but this is about as close as you're going to get to a cutie today:
– No offense Mommy, but I keep eye out just in case. |
Finally we brought out the flags:
Which turned out to be a pretty big hit, especially with Nate:
And speaking of mischievous looks, Seth doesn't exactly have the market cornered. Check out this face:
– I's about to be up to things, everyone! |
The source of that look had to do with making a run for some bushes at the back of the yard that I'm forever pulling someone (mostly Nate) out of:
– Hey, looks like you drop your flag! |
– Well, well... things really be looking up around here now! |
Fortunately we had a few spares so Nate didn't have to go without, and a piggy-back ride from Daddy took his mind off the hijinks:
– I think I run into those bushes more often everyone! Whee!!! |
After a wardrobe change, it was time to kick off our pool party. Seth wasn't too wild about the pool:
– Give me a warm bath any day, but 'dis pool business is stinkeroo.
What kind of stunt Mommy trying to pull anyway? |
Nate however was sporting about it:
At least until they decided to check out their new water table and toys. The boys pretty much played with this non-stop for the rest of the afternoon:
At least until it was time for more piggy-back rides:
And a short-break to rehydrate and make some sticker art:
– Stickers is fun, but have you checked out my tattoo everyone?
Is like sticker, but is on me instead of paper. Very cool. |
Nate before he got derailed by his tattoo. I love this picture:
The boys had a bit more time to run around and then it was time for dinner. BBQ chicken, caesar salad and garlic bread – the last two are always a hit with Nate and Seth, but they did a pretty good job with the chicken too:
Of course, I'm sure the only reason they ate dinner at all was because they hadn't seen the desserts at that point. Grandpa David baked up some amazing Canada Day cupcakes, which were a big hit and tasted as good as they looked:
I made some Canada Day cookies. I prefer them plain, but you know which ones the boys picked:
– Why choose when you can have both? |
– I also try both, but I think you can tell where my heart lie on 'dis one. Yum! |
Despite the sugar load at the end, the boys actually went to sleep on time last night (or a reasonable approximation anyway). They were pretty tuckered out after our busy, but very fun day.
Probably not as tired as the grown-ups though. I know I slept well last night!
Once again, Happy Canada Day everyone!
- L.