Saturday, July 10, 2010

Canada Day Fun: Part I

So after I laboriously washed, sunned and dried all the size 1 cloth prefold diapers and neatly stacked them in a box to sell I had an idea – a wonderfully cute, wonderfully wonderful idea. I looked at those diapers and then at my babies and finally at my camera and I just couldn't resist, so on Canada Day when M. was home to lend a hand we tossed the babies and all that sweet, fresh cloth on our bed and the results are finally here for you to view.

Since I know I'd get in a world of trouble if I only posted the black and white versions, I've added colour as well... so take your pick! : )

To view the series in colour, click HERE.

And if you're in the mood for some artsy B&W instead, click HERE.

Both links will take you to a slideshow at Photobucket. If you place your cursor near the bottom of the screen, you can pause the show, go back and forth between images, adjust the speed, etc. Enjoy!

- L.


  1. OMG, you guys HAVE to do something with those photos. Those are such amazingly well shot. You have to submit those somewhere, make prints to sell to create a college fund for the boys, something! I'm serious. That photo is amazing. Frankly, I like the colour one the best because it brings out upside down baby's expressive eyes the best and his eyes actually are the first thing you notice in the colour one and they make the shot. I apologise for not being able to tell them apart yet, but that's M's and your job. LOL

    But you must do something with that photo! Wow, it's the coolest thing ever.
