Saturday, March 5, 2011


Only two days after Seth said "Book!" for the first time, he followed it up with "Up!", and since one of this favorite things to do is to take books off the shelf and put them back up, he was saying "Book up!" the very same day.

"Up" quickly became his favorite new word. And mine too. Seth would get such a kick out of it if you said "Up!" back at him. So I did. Even when he said it out of context, I'd still parrot it back because it was so stinkin' cute. I wasn't alone in this by the way – *ahem* *cough* *you-know-who-you-are* – it really is pretty irresistible in everyone's defense.

And now, of course, the word has lost all meaning and is just said at random times when nothing in particular is "Up!". I guess what I'm trying to say is that Seth's budding vocabulary has inadvertently been set back by cuteness and so it seems appropriate to borrow a phrase from him to make it OK. Here it is:

"Sorry everyone!".

BTW, there's a new video "Up!" on our YouTube™ channel with Seth's "Up!" shenanigans, including evidence of me participating in this vocabulary destroying debacle. Nate gets in on the action toward the end too, so you'd better get on "Up!" and over there to check it out.

- L.

PS. Don't miss the bonus teething moment: flying drool at the 1:15 second mark or thereabouts. You've been warned.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Seth(ie), I know your mom said there are no Natie's and Sethie's but I think you's a real Sethie in the "up" video. Ah well, you's cute as a button, flying drool and all! Now you need to conquer "down". Lots of love, hugs and kisses, Gamma Rita
