Our latest video presentation is brought to you by an impromptu cat-nap:
And a silly face:
Both of which I'm sure were fuel for additional suppertime silliness in the form of fore-fore-fore-stains!
- L.
PS. About the "teasing" business...
This one came about around the same time as the infamous "Fix the Nate!". Seth would often get into bed on the "wrong" side, Nate would get frustrated and Seth would end up asking me to "Fix the Nate!". Once I caught on I would say, "Stop teasing your brother - he doesn't like that".
When they get into bed now, Seth will still sometimes do a fake-out on stealing Nate's spot but then giggle and say "Teasing! Teasing brother!". Not sure how this one turned up in the video, but then again I'm still half in the dark over what a "fore-stain" is* aside from what I took a video of.
*Dipping one's toast in egg-yolk is also considered fore-stains. Really, I fully get Anasahnize and even though it took awhile to decode, I also know full well what a Tse-Tse is by now. Jury is still out on fore-stains if I were pressed to define it. At this point maybe it just implies something that covers something else?
Your guess is as good as mine.
You's two little forestains, tell your mummy you need a summer haircut - she can let you look like a coupla hippies in the winter when it's cold! Guess who?