Monday, February 28, 2011

Frère Nate...

Dormez vous? 

I took these pictures just before 7:30 this evening. FYI: 7:30 is about the time I like to get Nate and Seth into their jammies and try to get everyone thinking about sleepy-time. Apparently somebody's watch was a little off.

At first I thought this looked kind of uncomfortable... 

... but then I decided it looked quite comfortable indeed. Also, as a (sometimes) weary mommy I could kind of relate. I often feel the same way around 7:30.

Still, it was a bit of a quandary since Nate was so sleepy and peaceful looking and yet I still had to get him into his jammies and into bed somehow. I was really struggling with how to disturb him with the least amount of "disturbing" so to speak.

Fortunately Seth came to my rescue just in the nick of time... 

– Oh, hi everyone! It's me, Seth. Has no fear, I is here – and I know just what to do about 'dis sleepy-time Nate situation. When you see something (or someone) who is committing an act of irresistible cuteness... 

–... is best if you poke it. Mommy teach me 'dis one.

*poke* *poke* *poke*

- L.


  1. I'm not sure I've ever seen anything sweeter!


  2. Dear Nate, I hope, since you fell asleep so early, all mom had to do was toss you into bed and you slept all night long. You look sooooooo incredibly cute. Love, hugs and lots of kisses, Gamma Rita
