Thursday, September 27, 2012

Poop, Stink, Mischief & Engineers

Nate's glucose levels came back perfectly fine following his completely undramatic blood-draw on Monday which is great news, but there is still some confusion/phone tag with the pediatrician's office over whether he was supposed to provide a urine sample also to check for possible kidney problems. At this point I want to optimistically say that I just have a boy who really likes water (and making pee-pee), but I'm not quite ready to do a happy dance/weep with relief in a corner of the house just yet.

And so we wait.

In the meantime, I decided there was no time like the present to have some good old fashioned fun OP-style.

Before I get to it though, do you know how hard it is to track down denim overalls in Canada for kids? It turns out it's nigh on impossible after size 18-24 months, but at my request Grandma Leslie picked up the genuine Osh Kosh articles in size 4T last spring on a trip to the U.S.

Alternately, do you know how hard it is to persuade a couple of two-and-a-half year old boys that overalls are awesome and should be worn immediately on a trying-to-have-fun-now-so-Mommy-doesn't-have-to-think-about-kidney-troubles day at the OP?

I've been working on trying to get my guys to wear those overalls pretty much since last spring and to be honest I have no idea what the reluctance was all about but I can tell you that a couple of engineer caps from last year's Hallowe'en costumes made those overalls completely alright. In fact, they were downright popular.

Playing engineer in the backyard:

And getting into a little mischief in the corner of the yard where I don't really like them playing: 

But I looked the other way today because my boys were harvesting some fall leaves: 

I have no idea why the only leaves that have changed color are in the one area of the yard I don't especially want them playing in, but since Nate and Seth stood still long enough for me to take some cute pics of them together post-harvest I kind of forgot about asking why and got clicking:

Why yes, that is the look of mischief right there – and as you're about to see the secret signal was clearly understood:

Whatever it was, it got them smiling for the camera at least (even if they do look a little guilty). 

Of course, it might have had something to do with what happened roughly 5 minutes after we came inside*: 

Or maybe it was about Seth's after-dinner trip down memory lane with his favorite bucket (or at the very least one of those Sophies my boys om-nom-nom'd all the spots off of**): 

Bucket red, Bucket bright, 
I (still) dream about you day and night. 
The world's best bucket is where I sit, 
And the best part is... I still fit!

Then again, it's just as likely they were still laughing about their handiwork in our latest YouTube™ video called "Poop & Stink", because Heaven knows if you have boys (at least if you have my boys) there is nothing funnier than poop and stink.


- L.

* Then again, maybe the overalls just kind of slid off my skinny boy. If you haven't sent a sandwich lately, maybe it's time to consider it.

** Really, the spots are all gone – every last one of them – and those poor Sophies are just completely nakey now. Whenever I see a new one in a store or in a baby's hand I'm always a little surprised to realize that they even had spots to begin with.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, heaven does know all about poop & stink - I think the Author of poop & stink resides in heaven. However, I hope you, Seth, don't incorporate all that into your alphabets when you get into kindergarten - yikes! Poor mommy will be getting notes from the teacher. Having said that, I still love you and both of you are still the cutest, Love Gamma Rita
