The good news is everything is looking really great! Both babies are measuring a few days ahead and both are head down for now (and we're all hoping they stay that way). They've really grown since our last scan at 20 weeks so their cozy home has gotten a lot cozier in that there isn't as much room to maneuver anymore. The bad news is that they're too big for us to have any take-home ultrasound pics anymore — BAH! — but I'll post some of our previous ones for anyone that hasn't seen them already.
Here are the babies back in July at 8 weeks (I think this was the last pic of them where they both fit on the screen at the same time):

And here they are back in August at 12 weeks:

And a really nice image of Baby A at 20 weeks:

Unfortunately we weren't able to get a profile shot of Baby B at 20 weeks, but not for lack of trying. I think we did everything short of having me stand on my head but he was persistently facing away from the camera and/or face down so no luck.
As of Monday, both babies are approximately 1.5 lbs each and are plotting in the 65% percentile which is great. All those eggs for breakfast are really paying off I guess — although the doctor we spoke with said we could realistically expect that to decline to 40% by the time we're at term which is perfectly normal for twins. I'll keep eating those eggs though.
- L.
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