Exactly 6 years old. Happy birthday, Nate! |
For Nate, my first:
Six years ago at this exact time you were born. I took a picture of you on our way to school this morning.
Your favourite number is 7. Somewhere in the past year you ditched 1 and 4, but your favourite colour is still
bah-loo by a landslide. After this long, I don’t expect that will ever change.
At age 6 you are still the life of the party and will happily chat anyone’s ear off. This morning in the schoolyard you ran around and let everyone know it was your birthday and that you need two hands to count your age now.
You still love maps and calculators, but this year you have also discovered computers and video games, so maps and calculators sometimes take a backseat. I can already tell the walkie-talkies and the remote control truck you got for your birthday are going to be popular with you. If it moves or lights up and has buttons or controls of some kind, you are pretty much into it.
Your favourite song is still
Livin’ On A Prayer and you still love to dance. You have a hard time sitting still, so keeping you moving in a constructive way is always a challenge – dancing serves both ends nicely. You also like to show off and entertain, so really it’s a winner all around.
When you grow up you want to sing or dance for a living. Big surprise.
You are still very much a boys’ boy, but this year you have discovered girls and fall in love daily. Most of your guest list for your party with friends is girls, including one very special girl that I haven’t stopped hearing about since school started. You even convinced your teacher to help you pass love notes to her in the next classroom, so I know it’s serious.
You are very generous with affection in general and I always know how much you love me because you tell me all the time and are not stingy with the hugs and kisses. I hope you always stay that way. Last Sunday you said, “I love you Mommy, but I really like you too”, and I said the same back. It’s easy to love you and to like you. You are growing into such a young man, a little more every day.
This is just a little bit about you at six. I hope you have the happiest of happy birthdays today, Nate.
All my love,