It's amazing the damage you can do with a credit card when you're cooped up with sore, swollen feet. : )
1.) Cloth Diapers
Crazy or not, we'll be cloth diapering (and laundering) for two. I've been dying to order our cloth stash since about 5 minutes after I found out I was pregnant so I finally had at it and bought a generous supply of prefolds and covers. The Thirsties Duo Wrap Covers (shown top left) are adjustable from 6–18 lbs and the prefolds are for newborn plus the next size up. We should be pretty well stocked for awhile. I also added some newborn fitted diapers (for convenience), some wool soakers (for overnight), an assortment of flannel and terry cloth wipes and a top-quality diaper sprayer (no dunking or soaking those dirty diapers — yay!).
2.) Organic Cotton Rabbit Rattle
It's a soft toy with a rattle inside. Handmade in Canada. No fussy details. Perfect.
3.) Ringley Organic Teething Toy
OK, they won't need teething toys right away, but I'm saving on shipping by ordering them now. Plus they look pretty fun to wave around and drool on even if you don't have teeth.
4.) Sophie the Giraffe
Because I just had to.
Oh, and much more... but these were some of my favourite finds from our order at Parenting By Nature.
I just love that more and more products like these are being offered as an alternative to heavily branded, cartoon-saturated toys and apparel.
- L.
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