I thought I'd better not wait 4 weeks like I usually do to post an update since our little ones might be here by then, so here is me at 34 weeks. It feels like the babies have grown a lot since the last post and looking at this picture I'd say I'm onto something. I can't imagine how much bigger I can possibly get before the babies decide it's too crowded and hatch their escape plan, but I'm still hoping they continue to make themselves comfortable for a few more weeks.
Today is also my birthday and I've spent it at home with M. having a wonderful and relaxing day (and getting spoiled) while I celebrate my 39 years. We're ordering in tonight (no cooking – yay!), putting our feet up and watching the original Sherlock Holmes series (with Jeremy Brett, of course) and there's a yummy looking cake waiting for us after dinner. I even feel pretty good today! This is one of the nicest birthdays I can remember having and I really couldn't ask for anything more this year. I am one very lucky mommy to be.
- L.
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