Tuesday, September 18, 2012

In The Midst Of Big Changes, It Turns Out They're Still Lovin' It™.

Alternate title: Funny Today, Maybe Not So Funny Tomorrow.

Part II of the "There Gonna Be Some Changes In Here" plan hasn't happened yet, but it involves repainting the room and moving, readjusting and/or heavily securing the furniture and window – and I'm not talking your typical wall anchors and window locks just in case you were wondering.

My main involvement however will be keeping the boys out of the house and/or at least out of their room for the better part of the day. As such, I've been talking it up a bit and when one of my boys asked earlier today about french fries I said, "It just so happens that we're going to have french fries on Friday – Mommy is taking you out for lunch!".

My guys can recite Sunday through Saturday off the top of their heads and typically know what day follows what if you pick a random day of the week.

Apparently when french fries are involved though, all bets are off.

Nate and Seth were more chatty tonight at bedtime than usual and since I was in the next room and could hear everything I decided to transcribe a small portion of their conversation* because it was too funny not to.

• • • • • • • 

N: Not Monday today.

S: It's Tuesday.

N: It's Friday today.

S: It's not Friday today. No. We have french fries on Friday.

N: Friday is tomorrow.

S: Not Friday today. It's Monday now. French fries and chicken nuggets.

N: Cheeseburger.

S: Tomorrow! Seth have chicken nuggets and french fries. Tomorrow, not now. Today is Monday. Today.

N: We having cheeseburgers.

S: Tomorrow.

N: Tomorrow.

S: French fries and chicken nuggets.

N: French fries and cheeseburger.

S: And chicken nuggets too!

N: And a cheeseburger too! 

• • • • • • •

*The actual conversation ran approximately 30 minutes before they wore themselves out. I'm not sure how tomorrow is going to pan out when I have to break it to them again that it is still a couple of days away from Friday, but at least I will know what to order when the time comes.

- L.

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