Saturday, September 22, 2012

Lockdown For The Win! Sort Of.

Lockdown was heavily product-tested today and managed to hold up against my wonder twins in spite of their "shape of key!" and "form of water now!" commands. I don't want to oversell our window solution just yet but since it's meant to keep the criminal element out, I'm relying on it also keeping my boys in.

Of course this is what I walked in on just after breakfast this morning: 

– So... how you think 'dis thing work anyway?
– I not sure yet Seth, but I has some ideas.

– 'Dis my first idea.
– Not bad for first idea. What else you got?

– Well, there's 'dis...
– That look pretty interesting. Maybe easier than trying to push bars out window...

–... so I tries it too!
– 'Dis pretty fun, but we still not quite there yet.
– No. Not yet.

– Wait! I think I gots it now!!!

– Oh, you totally gots that one bro'!

– I owns 'dis window now everyone.

– I gonna keep trying 'til we is co-owners. You not give up on me, OK? 

- L. 

PS. What do you call something that was unexpected and expected all at the same time? I have no idea. I expected this eventually, but not less than 12 hours after installation. My little boys acrobats – they work fast.

PPS. Seth made his way up about 3 minutes after I put the camera away.


  1. Clever little boys! I hope they don't figure it out anytime soon!

  2. Well mom, I think you need to seriously consider an additional set of bars - all the way to the top - just like a prison! Love Gamma Rita
