All present and accounted for. Good!
Now that we have that out of the way...
Yesterday I thought I would put the boys in these cute outfits I bought on my last mission to try to keep ahead of them in the "clothes that fit" department. I figured they would still be pretty big on Nate and Seth and it would be sort of cute and funny to take some pics of them floating around in their spacious jammies – but they are not so spacious actually as it turns out.
These babies just keep growing, but I digress...
One of the hardest parts of taking baby pictures is trying to decide which ones to post out of 20 or 30-odd photos. I thought this was a pretty nice shot:

I like the way Seth looks all casual resting on his elbow. Or, maybe this one where both the boys are sitting up a bit more:

Or this one where...

Oh. Well then. I think we have a winner, don't you?
Nate's expression pretty much sums it up:

– Dat was really stinkeroo, Seth.
– Yup. Oh wait – was that me? Well, you know what they say: if you can't barf on your brother...
Of course, I had to add a new category because of this: Instant Classic. Because, you know, it just sort of is.
- L.
Sooo cute. Congratulations Lisa and Mark. Nice job!