I have a favorite recipe that I used to make quite a lot, especially during the cold winter months. Of course, that was pre-babies when I could afford to spend 2 hours preparing and cooking dinner. In fact, I thought the days of enjoying some of my favorite recipes were long gone – until I discovered the wonder of using a slow-cooker that is. It's a magic device that makes my dinner for me, quietly doing it's work all day while I am busy chasing babies.
After a couple of recent successes with
pot roast and beef stew, I decided to modify that favorite recipe of mine so it could quickly and easily be prepared slow-cooker style, with prep work that requires no more than a 5-7 minute commitment at a time (because if you have 2 or more little ones then you already know you are lucky to get even that).
Without further ado, below is the recipe for The OP's Braised Chicken and how I did it. Of course, if you don't have babies to chase after, you can probably get your prep work done in one shot. Or not. It's up to you.
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The OP's Braised Chicken
Step 1: Prep your veggies* the night before. I sliced up half a white onion, 1 green pepper and 1 orange pepper (a yellow pepper is also a nice option). I tossed everything in a large bowl, covered the bowl with plastic wrap and placed it in the fridge. I was able to pull off this amazing feat while the boys were busy having their
nakey time. No one even noticed I was missing.
*Optional: 1 or 2 chili peppers, sliced. I find one gives a bit of kick without being too hot – although I am a self-admitted lightweight about these things. If you like it more than kicking, better add two.
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Step 2: The next morning I prepared the yummy marinade while the boys crawled around exploring the kitchen. If attempting this yourself, exercise caution so you don't step on any babies. Then get busy and mince 3 cloves of garlic and place into a bowl. Add:
• 3 tbsp. olive oil
• 1 generous tsp. paprika powder
• 2 generous tsp. curry powder
• 1/4 tsp. cinnamon
• 1/4 tsp. salt
• 1/8 tsp. ground cumin

Take a moment to breathe in the wonderfully fragrant aroma from the marinade you just made, then cover bowl with plastic wrap and leave on countertop. Retrieve babies from whatever imminent kitchen danger you were unaware existed until just now. Retreat to nursery with said babies.
*BTW, if you're planning to take pictures of your efforts, try not to use a shiny reflective bowl like I did (unless you want an inverted image of yourself among the spices that is). Spices, I might add, that resemble an inverted version of
this. Spooky.
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Step 3: I managed this last step by
throwing some Cheerios at my babies after their lunch. Cheerios are a great diversion, btw. While they were distracted, I quickly salted, peppered and browned 2 chicken breasts in a little olive oil. One or two minutes per side and you're done. Place in bottom of crock-pot and brush with roughly half of the marinade you made earlier. Looks pretty good already, no?
Pour 1/2 cup of chicken broth around the sides of the chicken. Toss the veggies you prepped the night before with the remaining marinade and add to crock-pot. Top with 1 28 oz. can of diced tomatoes, including juice from can.
Cover, set your crock-pot on low and enjoy the next 8 hours with your babies.
The finished result:
Prior to serving, remove chicken and gently pull apart with a fork. Top with veggies and reserve liquid to your liking. Serve alongside or over rice (Basmati goes well with this dish). Makes at least 2 very generous servings.
- L.
PS. Or, if you prefer, here is the recipe minus the mommy rambles (click to embiggen):