Thursday, March 15, 2012

Crash Positions

As much as I'd love to report that the transition from cribs to beds has been incident-free, you already know that's not the case.

Daylight savings time turned out to be an unexpected curve ball. I should really check the news more often since I think we could have waited at least a few more weeks to switch things over, and I would have chosen to do so in retrospect had I been aware of it's imminent arrival. Of course, the late-night poltergeists and a bit of general illness this past week hasn't helped our cause either.

I served lunch at our usual time today, but it was too late.

Seth pushed his plate away two bites in and assumed the "crash position":

He looked surprisingly comfy and I knew if I woke him up to take him to bed it would be game over. 

Of course, 5 minutes later Seth showed me what comfy really looks like:

And while I'd normally agree that a hard wooden table doesn't look like the most comfortable place to take a nap, I also have to acknowledge that Pickles is the cuddle toy of choice when it's time to go to sleep. You do the math.

Bedtime tonight also yielded a bit of a surprise, although after last night you'd think not so much – except that tonight was the first time I've found Seth in Nate's bed (or rather, the bed formerly known as Seth's bed): 

I'll admit I'm halfway curious about pulling up the covers some night and leaving them wherever I find them – and perhaps someday soon I will. I loved their bedsharing days so much – maybe even more than they did – but it will likely take a bit more rest on my part before I'm willing to brave it. At this point all I can picture is a foot in someone's eye at 3AM.

- L.

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