Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dogs On The Table

"Dogs off the table!" is a game we've been playing for awhile now. My boys love this game since they think they're getting away with something, and in some ways I suppose they are, but I'm not too fussy about feet on the table as it turns out. Far from being a hill to die on, it's more or less Mommy-approved mischief – except for the part where I pretend to give them a hard time about it. I guess it's just part of my Mommy arsenal – let them get away with something that doesn't bother me so much so I can crack the whip a little harder on the things that DO matter. 

I've had at least a hundred opportunities to take pics of "dogs on the table", but haven't until this morning. The new slippers Gamma Rita bought for them a couple of days ago finally made it a fitting occasion.

My boys, having one over on Mommy this morning:

I realize the slippers look huge, but Nate has some rather serious boats so they actually fit him quite well. Seth needs to grow into his a little, but you wouldn't know it from how much he loves wearing them. Watching them race around in their new slippers ("sah-lippers!") is a hoot. I think the only things missing are some toddler-sized smoking jackets, a faithful dog to fetch the slippers and maybe one of those bubble pipes.

More pics from this morning:

Yep. I think we're pretty pleased with ourselves – at least if the expression on Nate's face in the last pic is any indictation.

- L. 

PS. "Dogs on/off the table" was an expression I thought was well understood until more than a few people gave me a blank look over it. It likely became a part of my vernacular from growing up watching All In The Family but for all the whippersnappers out there – feet as dogs is legit.

And suddenly I feel very old for some reason.


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