My boys have typically been enthusiastic potty sitters for the most part, especially if there are books involved and most especially if stories are being read aloud. On the third day of our venture into Potty-Learning-Or-Bust, we visited the library and came across a great find.
Ian's New Potty was an instant hit and Nate and Seth love hearing all about Ian and his big-boy adventures. It was a timely find too since this time around we decided to skip the Pull-Ups and went straight for the big-boy underpants. Coincidentally, Ian also wears big-boy underpants while learning to use the potty and by a stroke of complete luck he also has a red potty.
I've easily read the story at least 15 times by now, but my boys are always eager to hear what Ian will be doing next (hint: we've learned more from this book than just potty-related things).
In the past 5 days (but especially the last 3) we've learned:
• Big-boy underpants are awesome.
• Accidents happen, but wet underpants don't feel very nice.
• How to hold it until Mommy nearly starts to worry.
• Sometimes how to say "Potty!" in time, even if a trip to the potty doesn't actually result in anything before we're "All done!" with said potty (usually followed by an accident and some wet underpants that don't feel very nice).
• How to eat a big-boy sandwich! Not potty-related, but Ian eats a big-boy sandwich in the book (because he is a big boy of course) and if nothing else comes of this venture I think the days of cubing up a sandwich into pieces are finally over – to which I breathe a huge sigh of relief.
I'm taking all of the above as positive signs and I think all we need at this point is a break-through in production.
Gamma Rita made an excellent observation today while we were both feeling a little discouraged over 5 days of no one actually doing anything in the potties:
"If we knew in advance that there'd be a breakthrough 3 weeks from now – even though it would be 3 weeks from now – we'd keep going and not even give this a second thought."
And aside from being perfectly true, I have a feeling it's what's going to keep us going. I'm 100% sure my boys are at least having a good time and at least 95% sure that they are really and truly ready to give up the diapers. Also, I have a good feeling about things this time around.
Maybe it's the summer weather or maybe it's that Gamma Rita showed up with a plan and so far it's not been a complete disaster at least.
Or maybe it's as simple as those big-boy underpants. I did mention they were a hit after all.
Of course, I might have left out a few details about why they're such a hit.
Of course, I might have left out a few details about why they're such a hit.
And once again, I find myself with yet another post that would not be complete without a little of this:
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Really and truly, I can't believe I never saw that one coming, but I sure did make a mad dash for the camera this morning.
- L.
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