My boys agree on most things when it comes to play at home, but the park is a whole different ballgame (which is why it's impossible to take them to the park when flying solo).
I took my point-and-shoot camera along on a recent trip with Gamma Rita and the only two pictures I managed to get of the boys together were pre-park over an incredibly nutritious lunch:
And pretty much right before we left where they were miraculously smitten with the same aspect of the park at the same time. Lovely shot of the back of their heads, but you get the idea.
Welcome to a typical day at the park OP style!
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This is how the "Nate Way" typically unfolds – and by the way, this is not the same slide featured in the previous picture. This is the "Really Big Slide!" (just so you know):
– "Really Big Slide" is what I imagine Heaven look like everyone! |
I need to caveat this post right now by saying that although I spent an equal share of time with both of my boys at the park there are far less photos of Nate mainly due to the fact that we spent 90% of our time together in the exact same location.
And there's only so many photos you can take of a boy doing exactly this:
– I could do 'dis all day. And usually I does! |
Over and over and over again. What can I say? Nate really likes that slide!
Despite the park resembling an uninhabited wasteland* in all my photos for some reason, things were fairly hopping (busy park on a busy weekend) – and even though both of my boys are quite good at waiting their turn, I won't insult you by pretending they necessarily enjoy it.
– I is waiting turn which I doesn't really mind that much, but I throws in 'dis
tragic look for effect anyway in case it endear someone to let me through
to front of line. |
The other 5% of the time with Nate was spent dashing around trying out anything that could be climbed on:
– Please note everything around me in focus. Is just me that is blur
for some reason. |
Or anything worth riding:
– Big or small, I rides them all! |
And even though the general consensus has been that swings are stinkeroo since Seth lost interest (and anything your brother doesn't want to do is typically not worth doing of course), Gamma Rita managed to coax Nate back onto a swing:
After which it was game-on!**
– OK. I admits it. Swing is fun. |
The second half of our day at the park was spent doing things the "Seth Way" and it's probably best if I just let Seth narrate this:
– Oh hi everyone. Is me, Seth. We is at park today and Nate doing it all wrong
so I shows you how it done right instead. There is a lot to see and do here and
I see and do all kinds of stuff, but everyone know first priority at park is to
impress the cuties. Right now I is gathering ingredients to make one of my
signature dishes. Everyone know the cuties dig a guy who know own way
around a kitchen. |
– I has a few recipes I likes to make at park. Macaroni and cheese, grilled
cheese sandwiches and caesar salad are my go-to favorites. Today
we is making macaroni and cheese. |
– I start by combining ingredients in handy bowl-type thing hidden under
play equipment. Is especially handy because 'dis secret recipe! |
– So secret in fact that it important to take look around from time to time
to make sure no one peeking... |
– ... before I add super-secret final touch. Turns out, rocks and twigs are what really
make 'dis recipe. |
– And BAM! Is all done. |
– I take moment to bask in own success but is fleeting. It take more than a
winning recipe and good looks to impress the cuties after all. |
Mommy note: it doesn't take more than that smile and those baby blues to impress me. I could get lost in those eyes (and sometimes do). And yes, they really are that blue.
– Good thing I also has skills at vehicle maintenance. Oh sure, it obvious that
missing wheel is real problem, but taking time to look under hood anyway
make it seem like you really know what you is doing. |
– Next I head over to "Really Big Slide" to see what all the fuss about.
I start to climb up to slide 'dis way but discover pretty quick there
no cuties over here so I cuts it short. |
– I end up finding more cutie-friendly way to top of slide but when I arrive
it turn out I only find Nate and some big kids and exactly zero cuties.
"Really Big Slide" turn out to be stinkeroo! |
– Thank goodness regular slide has plenty of cuties and even though you
not see any evidence of that here, me and my bucket was big hit!
You probably wondering about my bucket right now and why it such big hit
so I give you hint. |
– Is not big hit because I using it to make more recipes. |
– And it not big hit because I pose here and there to casually show off
a little leg (although 'dis big crowd pleaser also). |
– Is big hit because it turn out caring about environment also popular
with the cuties!**** |
– To be perfectly honest though, I do 'dis part even if no cuties is looking.
Is just fun! |
- L.
*I have no idea how I managed to take pictures of my boys at an extremely popular park on a weekend afternoon and make it look like we were the sole inhabitants. It wasn't especially deliberate, but really... wow!
**I had Seth in hand when I took the swing pics of Nate. It was pretty close to leaving time and I had approximately 500 pics of Seth and a half dozen of Nate. Also, enjoying a swing is a rare beast ever since Seth declared swings stinkeroo*** and Nate took his word for it.
***In all fairness, Seth unexpectedly got sick on a swing last summer and hasn't been on one since.
****Actually, it's not. The part about the recipes/kitchen play, car maintenance and the "regular" slide all being popular with the cuties is quite true, but Seth is definitely on his own with park maintenance. Hunting for "little treasures" is an intrinsic part of going to the park with him however, and the highlight is definitely the trip to the respective bins where we sort things into "garbage" and "recycling".

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PS. In case you thought this was fresh material and wondered why the weather was so nice and everyone was looking so spry, these pics are actually from a couple or more weeks ago when the weather was still good and we were between summer colds.