But first, here are Nate and Seth enjoying their newly unfettered state:

– Hey Seth! Check out these colorful new diaper covers mommy got us.
– Mommy says we got too big for the old ones. I think we's still pretty little though 'cause these seem pretty roomy.

– I gotta tell ya Seth, I really kinda like the extra room and I just love the Meadow Green colour! Can you tell?
– Well, you do seem rather exuberant Nate. Mine are Honeydew.

– Ooooh! Honeydew my color too I think...
– Hey! Hands off the merchandise!
And here are the pasta babies they turned into:

Seth is sleep-modelling the new Cool Stripes Thirsties Duo cover, while Nate is sleep-sporting Storm Cloud.
- L.
*BTW, the term pasta babies is derived from the phrase "passed out babies" which sort of sounds like pasta babies if you say it fast and mumble a bit. Of course, the word pasta also sums up the state of noodliness rather nicely as well.
What angels!