I'm still somewhat in denial, but I'm pretty sure my boys are gearing up to ditch their afternoon nap. Just to be clear, they ditched their morning nap AGES ago, so I'm talking about the other one.
The one break I was still able to get during the day. The one where I could get stuff done (like blog) or maybe catch a nap myself.
That one.
It's all out the window for now. There has officially been no napping of any kind (not even of the lousy 15 minute variety) for the past 3 days.
It's too soon for this, right?
It is.
I know this.
You know this.
But trying to reason with toddlers is like...
Well, it's a lot like trying to reason with toddlers actually.
They're too tired to pull it off successfully and the cracks in their plan are showing. Seth fell asleep in the stroller late morning while we were out running errands – and you can't wake them when something like that happens. And by "can't" I don't mean "I didn't have the heart to" because I gave him a poke. I literally mean he just slept through my attempts to wake him up.
So I knew the afternoon nap was also probably not going to happen yesterday. Despite my attempts to wear everyone out, the only person I wore out was myself. At least at nap time.
Unlike Seth, Nate did not catch a nap during our morning errands. He did however, find the time to nod off as I was clearing the table after supper.
![]() |
Zzzzz... |
Of course, I took some pics and then woke him up. It was a little too close to bedtime not to, while simultaneously not being close enough to bedtime to actually make it bedtime. Pandemonium ensued.
Seth got in on the action too.
Oh, the cranky pants were out in full force. There was weeping. And wailing. And possibly some gnashing of teeth. It was a scene.
In the midst of it all, I made the executive decision to skip dessert (nobody cared) and whisked the boys directly off to the bath (everyone universally approved) in the hopes that it would lead to an early bedtime at the very least.
It did not of course – bedtime was pretty much regular bedtime, but...
The bath perked everyone up so much I thought it might be a good time to try to get some pics of Seth and the technicolor red cheeks he was sporting through dinner and his bath since that's sort of the other reason we fell off the radar (once again) over here.
There is a major teething situation going on.
Seth has always suffered more with teething than his brother and it's been a slow and painful road for him – but much like Nate, who got his first 10 teeth or so at regular intervals and then went on to get the rest of his teeth all at once (this was miserable btw and I would have mentioned it except we were probably having another lapse in posting at the time) – it would appear that Seth is following in his brother's footsteps.
I'm not sure I've seen drooling to this extent before and I have witnessed my fair share. And then there were those technicolor red cheeks.
So I thought I'd take some pics and this would be a short post about my woes with a sleepy Nate and a red-cheeked Seth and me mumbling some excuses about the lack of new posts.
Except Seth didn't have technicolor red cheeks by the time I showed up with the camera, but I figured I'd take some pics anyway.
At first I wasn't having much luck getting a shot of Seth.
– Hi everyone. I is awake now!
– Oh, hi everyone. I looking for Legos! I is busy playing put-away.
Seth is a great helper by the way as well as fastidious about order in general, and since we were winding things down for the night he was busy putting the "Legos" away. For the record, Nate needs to work on this skill a little, but I have a feeling it will be a hard sell. They are shaping up rather nicely as the next generation Odd Couple.
– I is smiling because I not looking for Legos. I has brother to do that for me.
– Sorry everyone. Very busy. No time for chats right now.
– Still busy. I is man on the move. There is still legos to find!
– I is admiring fruits of my labors now, but only for little bit. Legos might be all done, but 'dis room not tidy yet.
Now you might be asking yourself at this point, what does any of this have to do with the "Best. Video. Ever."? Well, nothing really, except to say some of my favorite videos of the boys are the ones where I think I'm filming one thing and then something totally unexpected and wonderful happens. This was one of those times.
At first I thought I was shooting Seth putting away the Legos. Then I thought I was filming him doing a silly little dance that we call the Bojangles. And while I did get some footage of both of those things (and will hopefully have time to post them at some point), none of this was in the making of the Best. Video. Ever.
Because what happened next was so much more awesome than any of that. The very best part happens around the 1 minute mark, but the lead-in is pretty hilarious too. Go check it out.
- L.
Oh you guys! This video just takes my breath away. Every time we turn around you are up to something more amazing than I could ever imagine. Wow!
ReplyDeleteNow...about those naps. Let's just admit it, guys. You aren't fooling anyone and mommy has photos of those mini-naps you've been sneaking in everywhere! Isn't it about time to get back to the good old afternoon nap again?
- Daddy