Cleaning out Nate and Seth's closet last weekend to make room for new outfits was an eye-opener as to how much our boys have grown in 11 short weeks. I kept pulling out tiny onesies and marveling with M. about how wee our babies once were. Then came the tiny pants – I can't believe they ever fit into some of these outfits! We had a good laugh, but of course it was kind of bittersweet too, especially for a sentimental mommy like me.
The boys have also graduated from their 4 oz. bottles to 8 oz. bottles – granted, they're only being filled to 4.5 oz. for now, but it was definitely time for the larger size as their 3 month growth spurt grows near (I think it's already started actually).

A few weeks ago a snippet from the poem Song For A Fifth Child made its way into the comments section of a previous post. This is the full version:
I hope my child looks back on today
And remembers a Mom who had time to play;
There will be years for cleaning and cooking,
But children grow up when we are not looking.
The cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'til tomorrow
Cause babies grow fast, we learn to our sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep!
I'm cuddling my baby and babies don't keep.
– Ruth Hulburt Hamilton
The only thing I'd add is that even when you are mindful, there will still be a point when you look around and ask, when did this happen? And how did it all go by so fast?
- L.
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