Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The After-Party & What Nay-Nay Did-Did*

In case you were wondering what a Scarecrow and a Tin Man get up to after hours, it looks a lot like business as usual around here:

... except even more stinkin' cute!

After our big day at the park taking pictures of sad babies and/or slightly less sad babies where you couldn't see their costumes very well, I decided to just let them roam in the nursery and try to take a few shots.

Without further ado I present... Tin Man:

I think we can all agree... 

... that Seth definitely has heart. But just in case there was any doubt... 

... here it is front and center (although he usually wears it on his sleeve).

And now... Scarecrow: 

Appropriately floopy, right? Everything a Scarecrow should be. All is well. 

But wait... what's this? 

Looks like he's putting some serious effort into it now. Better head over to our YouTube™ channel if you want to see what Nay-Nay Did-Did next.

- L.

*I meant to include updates on talking in this post, but I forgot (chalk it up to weary mommy brain). In case it's not already obvious, Nate's the talker (as in chatterbox). So far his sound repertoire includes:

• ma-ma
• da-da
• ba-ba 
• woo-woo
• yee-yee
• did-did
• things I'm forgetting (see weary mommy brain)

... and also nay-nay. I'm at least 95% sure this is Nate being self-referential.

His favorite phrase though?


Picture it with a sudden upward pitch starting on the second "did" and then descending back down to the starting point. I get some of the biggest smiles out of him out of the blue if I mimic his own intonation at him. I have no idea what his meaning is, but it's clearly something good. "Guess what Nay-Nay did-did?" has also been a popular phrase around here for quite some time.

He also says "mom" and "mom-mom". :)

Seth is less of a talker, although I've heard him on random occasion make all of those sounds (minus "yee"). Think of him more as the strong, silent type – except when it comes to things that are stinkeroo (obviously).

When he does have something to say, it tends to run along the lines of, "ma-da-ba-woo-did". So imagine how my heart melted the day he furrowed his brow, looked me in the eye and deliberately said, "Mom... Mom". Just like that, with a little pause in between and everything. It's the only word he says with such purpose and sometimes when he feels like using his super-quiet inside voice he'll just mouth it. Like in our after-party YouTube™ video. I'm pretty sure he really is giving Nate directions to his destination. ;)


  1. So-so cute-cute!

    Grandma Leslie

  2. Awh! Nate - your Vancouver gamma & great auntie are so proud of you. I think you'll have to move a little faster to catch Seth though - he seems to zoom across the floor in his marineman crawl. Nevertheless, you're both stars! Lots of love, hugs and kisses. Gamma Rita
