Part I: These were taken at supper, not too long after Nate and Seth had a bath. I was trying to get a few good pics in particular of Nate's wild curls because they are always extra springy post-bath. And truth be told extra springy curls make me swoon a little. Don't be surprised if they have the same effect on you (especially if your name is Gamma Rita). Seth's "party in the back" is coming along nicely too.
Part II: Why yes, those are the same hoodies they sported for the first time back when they were 8 months old. Of course, they fit a little differently now and this may be the last time they wear them. I've been culling the closets and working on another box of clothes to donate* and there seem to be a lot of items like these ones that still fit, but are on the cusp of not fitting. Consider this a final hurrah.
And while they may outgrow their clothes, I have a feeling there are some things that will never change. Like sneaking food off your brother's tray:
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You not want this, right? |
Part III: Nate and Seth don't normally hang out in Seth's crib this close to bedtime, but it was the only way I could corral them long enough to snap a few pics of them in the cute new jammies Auntie Karen bought them. You might remember Auntie Karen as someone who is already awesome since she knows her way around a pair of knitting needles as well as having some serious cake skills – turns out she is a stylish shopper too. And in case that wasn't enough already, she also knows her way around a high-five – which both my guys are quite fond of btw – and I have it on good authority she gives a pretty good cuddle too. Oh, and the boys enjoyed some homemade lemon-ricotta muffins courtesy of Auntie Karen at breakfast this morning. I feel like I could go on, but long story short... I think we'll keep her. : )
Without further ado, cute guys in cute jammies:
I took the PJ pics in 5 minutes or less since it really was bedtime. It wasn't until I downloaded them after everyone was asleep that I noticed how much traveling Nate managed to do, while Seth remained pretty stationary and focused on his book.
Which is surprising since he has clearly mastered the art of speed-reading. Or maybe he was just in a hurry since this was the first time his book was right-side up and I was about to dim the lights.
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Seriously, if there's one thing that makes both Nate and Seth happy it's a book. They love being read to, they love flipping through their board books, they can both say "book" (although it sounds more like "booh!"). As much as they both love their books though, I would have to say Seth definitely takes his "booh!" to a whole different level of seriousness, which you can probably notice in these photos alone. What can I say? He is serious about "booh!" everyone! Which is why there's a special corner in the nursery known as Seth's Library. Truth be told, it's not a new thing – it's been there for awhile.
And I know I've made this threat before, but I really need to make a point of telling more stories around here, even if they don't always come with pictures. And assuming I get around to that, apologies in advance to Gamma Rita and everyone else who lives for cute pics. Hopefully this post will tide you all over during future "lean" times.
- L.
*If you live in the GTA and have good quality infant/toddler/maternity clothing and gear (including car seats) to donate, we at the OP are big fans of the June Callwood Centre in downtown Toronto. You can check out the info on their Swap Shop here.
Cutsie Jammies Auntie Karen - fitting for two cutsie kind of guys. And WOW to Nate for all the curls - I can just see where this is going. Keep them growing you's two. Lots of love, Gamma Rita