– Hi everyone. It's me, Seth! Mommy take 'dis picture yesterday afternoon so you would see how much better my eye is already. Looks pretty good, no?
– Hi everyone. I'm here too!
– Oh, I is glad you show up Nate. I been staring at these toys all morning and thinkin' something funny here. You notice anything odd 'bout these toys?
– Hmm... well, I has
10 Cent Plastic Ring so I is pretty happy but I see what you mean. These not our usual toys, except for Sophie of course.
– No, they is not. Except for Sophie. In fact, I'm starting to think these look an awful lot like...
– Our
bath toys?
– Yes. These is bath toys here, but we is not in bath! What is mommy playing at you think?
– Dunno Seth, but I give this a big thumbs down.
– 'Dis pretty stinkeroo mommy. I hope you is going to explain yourself.
• • • • •
Mommy note: Despite the big improvement in the appearance of Seth's eye, I know it's still important to reduce the risk of recurrence/spreading as much as possible so to that end I have been furiously washing and disinfecting everything. I divided their toys into 3 groups:
1.) Toys That Are Washable, But Would Be Difficult To Wash Daily:
2.) Toys That Are Not Washable, And Must Be Wiped With Dilute Bleach Solution Instead:
3.) Toys That Are Easily Washable And Can Be Handed Back Immediately:
I think you can see which group is the most practical for now, although I've added a few of the most washable toys – like their little cloth books – back into the mix since they dry quickly with a load of their clothes. I got the tip about the dilute bleach solution from another mommy online – 2 capfuls of bleach in a gallon of water, wipe and air dry. Once dry they are disinfected and safe to play with. I've also been changing their bedding after each use, but otherwise it's business as usual over here and so far no sign of any more pink eyes.
I have to say though, that after sorting and cleaning all those toys (which I hope I never have to do again, btw!) I think it's pretty clear that my babies are
very well-stocked at playtime. Seriously, that is a lot of toys even for two. Where did we get all these toys? They just sort of appear or maybe they multiply at night. I don't know, but I do know these are two lucky little guys.
Back on the topic of Seth's eyes however, here's an out-take from yesterday:

This maneuver happened so quickly I didn't even see it coming (nor did poor Seth!), but since the camera happened to catch it, I thought I'd post it. Don't worry – no new injuries were sustained and yes, I did put the camera down tout suite to reposition everyone.
- L.