Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The OP Turned One Today!

Happy Birthday to us!

It was one year ago today that I sat down at my laptop and typed out our very first post. I wasn't sure how much time I'd have for blogging once the babies arrived, but it seemed like the best, most efficient way for a weary, pregnant mommy-to-be to keep everyone up to date as we prepared to welcome Nate and Seth earthside.

And then they arrived. These two. And there was no way I couldn't not keep blogging and sharing our adventures with you all – our ups and downs, our first foods and first teeth, our time spent growing up and making important discoveries, documenting noodly babies, silly conversations and sometimes a little trouble to keep things interesting.

I tried to take some pics of the boys today to commemorate the occasion. This was the best one: 

Hmm... the rest could perhaps generously be interpreted as "out-takes":

And in case you're wondering why Nate's shirt is wet, this was one of the first photos I took: 

Yes, that is what it looks like. And no, I don't know why Seth often looks like he's pulling Nate's ear.

All the same, it's been a blast blogging this past year – more than I ever imagined when I took my first timid plunge into the blogosphere – and we look forward to sharing our stories with you all for a long time to come. Thanks for tuning in.

- L.


  1. Oh you little tykes, you're unbelievably cute and so funny. I get so many laughs morning, noon and night - what a wonderful way for me to start and finish my day with your endless antics and surprises. Love you both - Great Auntie E.

  2. Well out takes or intakes, these are the two cutest little guys I've ever laid eyes on (barring the barf). Keep us saturated in their cutness. Love, hugs and kisses, Gamma Rita
