Saturday, October 9, 2010

PooBucket™: A Love Story (Part I)

Once upon a time there was (as you already know) a corner of the nursery that looked like this: 

And after a time and certain "circumstances" it came to look like this: 

This is the story of those circumstances, a love story in three parts. This is part one.

Now you all know Seth and you've seen him in action of late. You know that he has bravely ventured into the hallway at least once all by himself and that he staged an unprovoked attack on ShinyGarbagePail™. You also know that he has some serious moves during a diaper change and that simple restraints cannot keep him down for long, especially with PooBucket™ nearby (as she always is when it's time for a fresh diaper).

It is an unrelenting love. A story for the ages. So great is his love of that little red bucket, it had to be secreted away to a safe location high above the nursery floor. 

Like a princess in a tower, no?

ShinyGarbagePail™ has found a safe new home as well in case you were wondering. 

Now there's something even Seth (whose love burns with the fire of a thousand suns) didn't know until very recently about PooBucket™:

PooBucket™ is also a twin. Yes, that's right – there are two PooBuckets™! 

And so it is that PooBucket™ "B" can often be found waiting it's turn outside the nursery door in the hallway while PooBucket™ "A" does it's work in the nursery, or vice versa. They take turns that way.

Now I know you are probably already 5 steps ahead of me and are wondering why I would leave such an obvious temptation in the very same hallway that Seth has found his own way out to at least once. And the answer is... it didn't occur to me that this might be a problem until, one day, it was.

Of course on that day – that fateful day – it so happened that both PooBucket™ "A" and "B" had convened in the hallway and were lined up like a couple of sitting ducks when suddenly Seth appeared. 

The image above is a still from the video I shot just before his relentless pursuit began. I'm pretty sure he is thanking the powers that be for "the bounty he is about to receive".

And me? Well, the buckets were reasonably clean so I decided to let him go to town (don't worry – hands were thoroughly scrubbed afterwards!). 

Of course, if you'd care to witness the entire spectacle on video (and really, why wouldn't you?), head on over to our YouTube™ channel to check it out.

- L.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to the two cutest babies in the whole world and their equally cute mummy! We sure enjoyed the U-Tube video of Seth and the red bucket - hope he got his own for Thanksgiving and hope Nate joins him in the foray soon. Lots of love and kisses, Gamma Rita
