We'd all been hoping to arrange a get-together for awhile now, but that's no easy task trying to coordinate the schedules of 5 parents of multiples. Since my mom was here and practically shoving M. and me out the door it seemed like a perfect time to see if anyone else was up for an evening out, so we arranged to meet up for dinner downtown last Saturday night. We had a great time exchanging war stories and catching up.

Clockwise, that's M., Beatrice, Tai, Jason, Tanya and me enjoying a night out in Little Italy. I wish I'd used the flash in retrospect since the pic is pretty grainy, but you can still see we're all pretty happy to be out of the house and wearing clean clothes. Unfortunately 2 of the other couples couldn't make it. We missed you Kathy and Jeff, Nik and Doug – but we're all hoping to meet up again later in the summer for an afternoon at the park with our little ones in tow. Sounds like a lot of work, but I know it would be so much fun to see everyone's babies. Imagine all the heads we'll turn with 5 sets of twins. Pushing one set around the neighborhood on any given day practically makes us all celebrities so I'm picturing that times 5. I hope we can all make it happen. : )
- L.
You guys all look great and I'm so sorry we had to miss out. Jeff and I will try very hard to make it next time. Y'all clean up real good too!