Tuesday, June 29, 2010


We're now on the 12th day of teething and so far no sign of white, but today there were plenty of tears from wee Nate. Infant Tylenol did not cut it, Baby Oragel had no effect, and the chilled teether did doodlysquat.

I tried everything I could think of to soothe those sore gums, but in the end all I could do was try to soothe my baby as he cried. And cried. And cried.

I took this shortly after the rain stopped.

As you can see, those are some very wet lashes on my poor little guy. : (

In the end, despite the rocking and the gentle "shhh-ing" and reassurances that, "it will be OK", I think he just plain wore himself out.

How I wish those teeth would get here already.

- L.

1 comment:

  1. Poor little Nate.

    Sending much love and sympathy,

    Grandma Leslie and Grandpa David
