Although, in her defense, my poor mother had to wait 39 long years to become a grandma and then I made her wait another 4 months and 2 days to fly out and meet her grandbabies – because I'm a BIG MEANIE like that – so none of us should be surprised if the babies are half drowned by tomorrow evening.
Still – you can't help but feel sorry for the poor little guys.

– Will this blanket be 'nuff you think?

– Dunno. I has a terry cloth. Dey hold plenty of slobber.

– OK, me too. Bring it on Gamma – we's ready for you!
Oh, those sweet, innocent babies - they have no idea what they're in for. I'd better gather up the blankets and look for higher ground because there's a big wet front about to blow through.
- L.
It's not the 39 years - it's the 4 months and 2 days - I wasn't sitting around pining for grandchildren for 39 years. I just figured twasn't gonna happen. HOWEVER, once I got wind they were on their way, the 4+ months was pretty hard so come what may, those babies better be ready! See you t'morrow. Love Gamma Rita