I mentioned in our last
"Updates On Everything" post that the boys are really getting mobile these days – and that you should stay tuned for imminent future posts (like
this one). Well, this is another one.
The days of placing Nate and Seth side by side and taking a few cute pics at my leisure really
are long gone – even when I have a helper like I did
here and
And I was on my own yesterday.
Hence a lot of shots like these where Nate was long gone by the time I had the camera in focus, and Seth was making a hasty departure too*:
I was looking for something purple for our previous post to include at this point when I spied these guys:
These cute keepsake bears were lovingly knitted by their
Great-Grandma Edna. I had planned to do a whole post about the bears with Nate and Seth posing with them, but I think you can appreciate that after today I had to give up on that idea.
Still though, I thought maybe that purple scarf would distract them sufficiently to at least keep them in the same spot long enough to snap a pic. And it did. The scarf was distracting enough for exactly one photo:
Eventually I just let them loose on the nursery figuring they might randomly end up in a shot together. And they did. This is the one shot I got with both of them in it (where they both happen to be looking at the camera that is):
It didn't last long. Eventually Seth moved into uncharted territory and left Nate behind.

• • • • •
The other part of this post is the results from our 9 month check-up with the pediatrician.
Here are the boys' latest stats:
Nate: 18.5 lbs. (8.35 kg.) | 29.25 in. (74.5 cm.)
Currently, he is in the 90th percentile for height and the 25th percentile for weight.
Seth: 17 lbs. (7.7 kg.) | 28.75 in. (73 cm.)
Currently, he is in the 75th percentile for height and the 10th percentile for weight.
Although their weight has been consistent with their individual growth curves, their height has really shot up (both were at 50% at their 6 month checkup), which means we're going back in 6 weeks for another weigh-in instead of 3 months from now. Our pediatrician seemed mildly concerned since ratio-wise they are underweight for their height.
I'm not concerned, although we'll go anyway. Considering they eat a whole lot, have grown a whole lot (upward at any rate) and move a whole lot, I'm really not worried about my lean guys. Also they come by it honestly – on both sides.
Before I sign off, one more pic of Nate:

I took this picture last week and while it's not the greatest photo ever, there's something about it that I love. It's very Nate and I wanted to post it before it got lost in the shuffle (as things do when you're chasing two rather mobile babies around all day). Much like
his brother, he has a way of looking at the camera that just takes my breath away.
My wee babies are turning into little boys far too quickly.
- L.
* Of course you realize this is going to have a serious impact on their infamous
"conversations" if they can't manage to be in the same shot any more often than chance allows. I think it's time to consider the
duct tape again. Or super-glue.